Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Best Salsa EVER!

My whole pregnancy, the one thing that I can never get enough of is salsa. And I'm not talking about the one that you get from a jar at the store. I'm talking authentic, Mexican, homemade, salsa.  I have tried and tried...and tried recipes up the you know what and I have finally came up with my very own recipe. And I'm sharing it all with you because it has a secret ingredient that makes it THE best. Wanna know what the secret ingredient is??? It's honey!!! Those of you who have honey allergies can substitute Agave for honey. Now that the excitement is over, let's get to the salsa making...


1 can of diced tomatoes
half of a small onion
handful of cilantro
1 jalapeno 
2 cloves of garlic
1 tbs of honey or agave nectar
1 tsp of comino
juice of half of one lime
salt to taste
Preparation is pretty simple. Just dump everything into a blender or food processor and blend for about 20-30 seconds until well mixed. 
Pour into a bowl. Then make sure to take a picture of a chip decorated with the yummy goodness you created...
And enjoy!!! Cheers!

If you tried the recipe, I'd love to hear about it!! Comments=Happiness!!! :)

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